
centerNet is proud to sponsor:

Resources for Starting and Sustaining DH Centers

Along with the growth in Digital Humanities as digital methods, resources and tools for research and dissemination, interest in starting DH Centers as means to support and sustain researchers and projects is fast increasing. For those leading these initiatives, it raises questions about the ways to engage possible stakeholders and develop support for a centre, applicability of existing models, funding sources, and many others. While centerNet is available to answer these questions, it is clear that with the growing number expressions of interest is moving beyond the capacity of a few people to be able to answer questions. While some of the individual discussion will continue, it is clear that we need to find a way to answer questions that reaches more people at one time. This initiative is a step in that direction.

  • The Resources page lists talks, articles, sample DH proposals and other sources of information about ways to start and sustain DH centers. It will be updated as new materials become available.
  • The Starting a DH Center listserv provides a forum for those hoping to start a center and those with experience in this area to raise questions and engage in discussion and exchange. If you are interested, please subscribe and join the conversation.

This initiative is headed by centerNet’s new Coordinator for Center Start Ups Dr. Lynne Siemens, Assistant Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria.

Day(s) of DH

A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities is an annual, day long event where digital humanists from around the world tweet and blog to document what they do.

along with a wide range of activities, benefiting Digital Humanities centers around the world

  • Facilitating regional meetings, workshops, and conferences for the purposes of intellectual exchange, solidifying community, and fostering disciplinary innovation in the humanities.
  • Connecting centers around the world along the lines of their methodological affinities for sharing expertise and collaborative project development.
  • Nurturing a new generation of “hybrid scholars” or “alternative academics,” working in staff positions that combine service and research components.
  • Developing new curricular models based on digital humanities methodologies, collaboration, interdisciplinarity, and global perspectives.
  • Legitimating the field and the value of digital humanities centers, especially in countries where digital humanities is only just emerging.
  • Developing mechanisms for assessing digital humanities centers and maintaining a list of reviewing consultants for centers.
  • Creating shared banks of expertise, including names of experts that can assist in peer review at time of promotion and tenure.
  • Advocating on behalf of the field, both within and outside the academy.
  • Working with funders to shape new opportunities that foster international collaborations and advocating on behalf of our funders.
  • Establishing formal affiliations with like-minded organizations, including those already established with CHCI, CHAIN, the Digital Library Federation, and 4Humanities


centerNet’s new publication, DHCommons, is merging with to create one large-scale discovery and review publication for digital humanities projects. DHCommons will become an review journal for DH projects, providing forms of peer review, especially for those projects those associated with centerNet centers. This new publication will include projects listed in both the original and DHCommons, as well as new projects seeking help and long-standing projects seeking peer review.